Exclusive to Osseo Group and starting April 1, 2022, when you start more cases, you'll save more money off our already-low prices.
You'll receive a 1% discount for each new case started in the previous quarter to use towards every new case started in the current quarter.

This means, if you start 5 cases in the Jan-March quarter, you'll receive a 5% discount off of all cases submitted in April-June quarter.
Each quarter runs from the first until the last day of the 3 month cycle:
January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December
What constitutes a new case start?
It doesn't matter which treatment option you choose when approving your case, as long as it's a new case number.
What discount will I receive before April 1, 2022?
Leading up to the launch date, you'll pay the full fee – On April 1, 2022, we'll automatically calculate the volume of new cases started in the preceding quarter and apply this discount percentage to all cases invoiced in the April - June quarter.
If you would like to get in touch with your account rep to learn more, you can grab their contact details HERE.
Become a ClearCorrect provider HERE
Are you looking for a doctor-friendly and affordable intraoral scanner?

When you buy the AORALSCAN 3 IOS from Osseo Group, you'll receive the scanner, PC and trolley. There are no ongoing software costs associated with the scanner like license fees or upgrades.
Learn more about the scanner HERE
Pay up-front in-full
Lay-by over 8 weeks
12-months interest free from Credabl
Bonus and inclusions
Scanner cart
Orthodontic simulation software
10% off all ClearCorrect cases submitted within 12 months of purchase.
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* Revisions, retainers, replacements and remakes do not contribute to your volume calculations. The program is capped at 25%, and your volume is recalculated automatically based on actual volume on the first day of each quarter.
Straumann Direct customers are excluded from this volume discount policy.