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Writer's picture: Stuart AndertonStuart Anderton

Here's the instructions on how to use the SEAWARD PT-125EL (PAT) when performing an appliance test.

Class I V.S Class II

A Class I appliance is one which has an earth pin on the plug that is connected to all exposed metal parts of the appliance.

An example of a Class I appliance is the Waterlase, where the earth pin is connected to the metal chassis of the laser to protect against an internal failure where the failure has caused a connection between the live failed part and the chassis.

Without having a ground referenced chassis, you would risk injury when coming into contact with the chassis after failure.

A Class II appliance is one which generally only has 2 pins on the plug, occasionally they may have 3 pins for stability and to engage protective shutters inside some GPO sockets, however the earth pin is not used as part of the internal circuitry.

An example of a Class II appliance is the AMD Picasso plug pack or an iPhone charger.

In the case of Class II appliances, electrical protection is provided by double insulation of cords and non-conductive plastic construction, additionally the low voltage side of the circuitry is isolated from the mains side of the circuitry.

What you'll need.

  • Extension lead (tested)


  • Fine marker pen (STAEDTLER permanent Lumocolor black F or similar)

  • Tags PASS

  • Tags FAIL

  • A wall mounted GPO (General Purpose Outlet)


  1. Setup

  2. Visual inspection of the appliance

  3. Visual inspection of the power cord and plug

  4. Testing

  5. Tagging

1 - Setup

If you're testing one appliance, use the same GPO the appliance is plugged into. If you're testing multiple appliances, find a comfortable central location to test all appliances and run your extension cord from a conveniently located GPO. Remember, the PAT must be plugged either into the GPO directly or your extension cord which is plugged directly into the GPO.

2 - Visual inspection of the appliance

Are any panels loose or missing which may allow someone to touch exposed wiring? If they are, can they be reattached by tightening screws or clips?

If not, the appliance has FAILED.

3 - Visual inspection of the power cord and plug

  • Is the power cord free from damage, including insulation being stripped, stretched or frayed?

  • Is wiring exposed?

  • Is the plug firmly attached and free from damage?

  • Is the protective cuff on the female end of an extension lead present?

  • Do the Active and Neutral pins of the plug have insulation?

If not, the appliance has FAILED.

NOTE: If the plug on the appliance is not fitted with an Australian plug, the appliance has FAILED automatically. Even if the customer is using an international adapter, the appliance cannot be tested until the customer has engaged a licensed electrician to replace the plug.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR IMPORTED 110vac APPLIANCES: If the appliance uses a 240-110vac step-down converter and the converter has an Australian plug but the appliance does not––you can test the step-down converter and fail the appliance. It is up to the customer to decide if they use the appliance after this. It is a technical failure––the customer should engage an electrician to hard wire the appliance to the step-down converter.

4 - Testing

How to test a 3-pin appliance (CLI) with a non-removable power cord

CAI Setup of the SEAWARD PAT
  1. Plug the black Earth Lead and Mains GPO Cord into the PAT

  2. Connect the Earth Lead to any exposed metal on the appliance

  3. Connect the appliance to the PAT, if the appliance has a power switch, switch it on

  4. Turn ON the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  5. Press and hold the LKGE button, then after a second without releasing the LKGE button, also press the CLI, then after a second release both If no load shows, check the appliance switch is on. If it is off, switch it on, OR if it is already on, press the LKGE button to continue

  6. Ileak will flash, press LKGE

  7. Record the results

  8. Turn OFF the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

How to test a 3-pin appliance (CLI) with a removable mains power cord.

Preface It is possible for the mains power cord, the appliance, either, or both to fail the electrical inspection. If the mains power cord fails, tag it and move to testing and tagging the appliance.

REMEMBER: only use the RED reference cord to test the appliance.

Step 1 - The mains power cord

CAI Setup of the SEAWARD PAT to test a power cord.
  1. Remove the mains power cord from the appliance

  2. Connect the male plug of the mains cord to the front of the PAT

  3. Connect the female end of the mains cord to the IEC port on the top of the PAT.

  4. Turn ON the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  5. Press the CLI button

  6. Record the test results

  7. Turn OFF the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  8. Disconnect all connections to the PAT

  9. Apply the appropriate tag to the cord.

Step 2 - The appliance

CAI Setup of the SEAWARD PAT
  1. Plug the black Earth Lead and Mains GPO Cord into the PAT

  2. Connect the Earth Lead to any exposed metal on the appliance

  3. Connect the RED reference cord to the IEC port on the appliance.

  4. Connect the male plug of the RED reference cord the PAT, if the appliance has a power switch, switch it on

  5. Turn ON the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  6. Press and hold the LKGE button, then after a second without releasing the LKGE button, also press the CLI, then after a second release both If no load shows, check the appliance switch is on. If it is off, switch it on, OR if it is already on, press the LKGE button to continue

  7. Ileak will flash, press LKGE

  8. Record the results

  9. Turn OFF the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  10. Disconnect all connections to the PAT and appliance.

  11. Apply the appropriate tag(s)

How to test a 2-pin appliance (CLII)

  1. Plug the black Earth Lead and power lead into the PAT.

  2. Connect the Earth Lead to any exposed metal on the appliance

  3. Connect the appliance to the PAT, if the appliance has a power switch, switch it on.

  4. Turn ON the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  5. Press and hold the LKGE button, then after a second without releasing the LKGE button, also press the CLII, then after a second release both. If no load shows, check the appliance switch is on. If it is off, switch it on, OR if it is already on, press the LKGE button to continue.

  6. Ileak will flash, press LKGE

  7. Record the results

  8. Turn OFF the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  9. Disconnect all connections to the PAT and appliance.

  10. Apply the appropriate tag(s)

How to test a removable mains power cord.

CAI Setup of the SEAWARD PAT to test a power cord.
  1. Connect the male plug of the removable mains power cord to the front of the PAT

  2. Connect the female end of the mains cord to the IEC port on the top of the PAT.

  3. Turn ON the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  4. Press the CLI button

  5. Record the test results

  6. Turn OFF the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  7. Disconnect all connections to the PAT and appliance.

  8. Apply the appropriate tag

How to test an extension cord.

CAI Setup of the SEAWARD PAT to test an extension lead
  1. Connect the male plug of the extension cord to the front of the PAT.

  2. Connect the RED reference cord to the IEC port on the top of the PAT.

  3. Connect the male plug of the RED reference cord to the female end of the extension cord.

  4. Turn ON the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  5. Press the CLI button

  6. Record the results

  7. Turn OFF the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  8. Disconnect all connections to the PAT and appliance.

  9. Apply the appropriate tag

How to test a power board.

CAI Setup of the SEAWARD PAT to test a Power Board
  1. Connect the male plug of the Power Board to the port on the front of the PAT.

  2. Connect the RED reference cord to the IEC port on the top of the PAT.

  3. Connect the male plug of the RED reference cord to the first port of the Power Board.

  4. Turn ON the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  5. Press the CLI button

  6. Repeat for each port of the Power Board.

  7. Record the results

  8. Turn OFF the PAT by pressing the CLI and CLII buttons simultaneously.

  9. Disconnect all connections to the PAT and appliance.

  10. Apply the appropriate tag


Using the results of your test, apply the appropriate tag to the cord and or appliance.

If a cord or power board fails the electrical inspection, apply a tag to the cord.

If the appliance fails, apply a tag to both the cord and the control face of the appliance in a manner which impedes the use of the appliance.

If the mains cord passes but the appliance does not, apply a PASS tag to the mains cord and FAIL tags to the appliance.

If the appliance passes but the mains cord does not, apply a PASS tag to the appliance and FAIL tag to the mains cord.

If the Class II appliance is a plug pack, you can cut the tag and apply the relevant parts wherever the tag will fit.

Positioning of the test tags after use of SEAWARD PAT

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