In the beautiful southern highlands Osseo Group was invited to this unique 2 day course. Looking after NSW South clients I attended and showcased our dental products to the class attendees. Osseo Group loves attending events, especially Master Prep by Dr. Linda Quach.

This class was open for all Dental practitioners, from general dentist through to specialists. Many attendees requested to try our Pentax loupes. Their interests in the amazing quality of PENTAX and the health benefits ended up with our demo loupes being used for the whole day! Our loupes were in demand. This showed it didn’t matter what level of dentistry you are in PENTAX is for you! Learn more about PENTAX PrismVue Surgical Loupes HERE.

The Master Prep course is held 2-3 times a year at Specialised Dental & Implant Centre in Bowral and Osseo Group is always proud to attend. The course held by Dr. Linda Quach and Dr. Max Guarzzo was an opportunity not to be missed. Both Linda and Max had so much knowledge and experience between them both and the way they engaged with the attendees and shared their expertise in crowns, bridges and much more was fascinating to watch.

Each attendee was set up with everything they need to learn and create beautiful dentistry. Linda and Max create an amazing learning space for the attendees with step-by-step procedure booklets, instruments, phantom heads, and materials to create their own masterpiece – to top it off, a gourmet lunch was provided!
The continuous hospitality of Linda and Max was heartwarming. I look forward to meeting all the new attendees at their upcoming courses for 2022.
If you would like to get in touch with your account rep for an in-clinic demo, you can grab their contact details HERE and learn more about the loupes HERE.
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